you will never understand why it feels like someone is insulting you personaly, when they’re really only making fun of the band. you will never understand the feeling of knowing that your boys are in your state, but you can’t go see them. you will never understand the pain of loving a band so intensely, that it actually hurts. you will never understand why we miss them when they leave you will never understand these things but you will also never understand the pride. you will never understand the joy we feel when we watch them perform. you will never understand the tears of happiness. you will never understand why we get so happy when our are boys somewhere new. you will never understand watching millions of fans scream their names, and knowing that they really made it. you will never understand why we can make fun of them to the extreme, but at the end of the day still love them to death. you will never understand the lows, but you will absolutely never understand the highs. you will never understand any of this, unless you’re a fan.
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